
Milia, also known as milk spots, are very small (about 1-2 millimeters across), raised, pearly-white or yellowish bumps on the skin. They typically appear on the skin around the cheeks, nose, eyes, eyelids, forehead, and chest. Although common in newborn babies, milia can affect people of any age.

Types of Milia:

  • Neonatal Milia: These occur in young babies soon after birth and are usually found around the nose area. They may also appear on the scalp, cheeks, upper body, and inside the mouth. Neonatal milia are considered normal and often disappear by 12 weeks of age.

  • Primary Milia: These can occur in both children & adults and develop in normal skin without prior damage.

  • Secondary Milia: These form in areas of previously damaged or injured skin (ex. after burns or blistering rashes). Damage to sweat glands may contribute to their development.

  • Milia en Plaque: Extremely rare, these milia appear on an inflamed, raised patch of skin known as a plaque.

Treatment Options:

  • Self-Care: Most milia resolve on their own without treatment. Avoid picking or poking them.

  • Deroofing: Using a sterile needle, the contents of the cyst can be removed.

  • Laser Ablation: A focused laser destroys the cyst.

  • Chemical Peels: Click on the link here to explore more about chemical peels.

  • Topical Treatments: Over-the-counter adapalene gel or prescription tretinoin cream can be used

Have your doctor send us a referral to discuss which treatment option may be best for you!