
Your skin is a vital organ that requires proper care and attention. Regularly checking your moles for signs of skin cancer is an essential part of maintaining your overall health and well-being. At Q, we emphasize the importance of early detection in the fight against skin cancer.

What do I check for? Follow the ABCDE Rule: Familiarize yourself with the ABCDE rule for assessing moles:

  • A: Asymmetry – One half of the mole differs from the other.

  • B: Border – Irregular, blurred, or poorly defined borders.

  • C: Color – Varied or uneven colors within the mole.

  • D: Diameter – Larger than the size of a pencil eraser (approximately 6 mm).

  • E: Evolving – Any changes in size, shape, elevation, or other characteristics.

Remember, regular self-examinations can be lifesaving! If you have concerns about your moles, ask your doctor to send your referral to our clinic to have our experts examine them!