Seborrheic keratoses

Seborrheic keratoses are harmless skin growths that typically appear as raised, waxy, or wart-like patches on the surface of the skin. They are usually brown, black, or tan in color, and their texture can range from smooth to rough or scaly. These growths can vary in size, ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.

Treatment Options:

  • Observation: In many cases, seborrheic keratoses do not require treatment unless they cause discomfort or cosmetic concerns. If the growths are not bothersome and their appearance does not bother you, our dermatology experts may recommend monitoring them periodically for any changes.

  • Cryotherapy: This treatment involves freezing the seborrheic keratoses with liquid nitrogen. The freezing process causes the growths to blister and eventually fall off. Cryotherapy is a quick and relatively painless procedure that is commonly used for smaller or isolated growths.

  • Curettage: In this procedure, the physician uses a sharp instrument called a curette to scrape off the seborrheic keratosis. After the scraping, an electrical device called a cautery may be used to stop any bleeding. Curettage is often used for larger or raised growths.

  • Electrodessication: This technique involves using an electric current to burn off the seborrheic keratosis. After the growth is numbed, a small probe delivers the electric current to remove the lesion. Electrodessication is an effective option for thicker or stubborn growths.

If you have concerns about seborrheic keratoses or would like them evaluated and treated, it is recommended to consult with our dermatology experts. They will assess the growths, confirm the diagnosis, and recommend the most suitable treatment option based on the characteristics of your specific case. Have your doctor send in a referral to get the process started!